A Fresh Start

Hello everyone! It’s been a while since we last posted and we have been planning some new things. We’ve decided to switch over from WordPress to Blogger and you can visit our new blog here! It’s currently still in the works as we are still setting it up.  We hope that with this new blog, we can change it up a bit and post more original content. So, we hope to see you there!

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Heather’s Wood Candy

After you have all the essentials for your guinea pigs, you may be thinking, “How can I spruce up my guinea’s pig cage and make it more unique?”. A fun way to brighten up your plain guinea pig cage could be to purchase a one-of-a-kind wooden accessory such as wood shelves, houses, hay holders, or even beds. Each accessory can be custom ordered and you can view some of her designs and other orders she’s completed for her customers. Click here to visit her website.

Here are some of her amazing designs from their Facebook page:

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Our Favourite Guinea Pig Youtube Channels

Hello everyone! Already on our blog we have blogged about our favourite blogs and online stores and I’ve decided to write a post on Youtube channels we subscribe to (guinea pigs channels of course!). Underneath these graphics there will be links to all of the channels pictured. You can click on each image to make it bigger. Be sure to check out these channels and stay tuned for our next post!

Youtube Channels We Heart(From left to right) – The bunnyshed1 | Sweetie Pea’s Petshop | Squeak Dreams | Thepiggyroom

Youtube 2

(From left to right) – LooboosShedZoo | TheSmallPetShop | Hammylux | GuineaPigSecretsUK

Youtube 3

(From left to right) – Pets Palace TV | OnceUponAPig | Carislittlepiggies | TheMuffinPiggy | BudgetBunny | Piggiepigpigs


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Morumoto Plushies

Morumoto Plushies

Hello everyone! Today I will posting about Morumoto Plushies, a shop that sells very cute, handmade guinea pig plushies. They even create custom plushies that look like your pet. You can order one right here.  On their website, you can purchase plushies that come in two sizes, large and small but there is a larger variety of larger plushies. They also have a shop on Etsy, so be sure to check that out too!

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The Piggy Hub

piggy hub screenie

I recently discovered this amazing website called The Piggy Hub which is basically a website where you can meet other fellow piggy owners, create your own guides and read others’ guides, upload videos, and post in the forums. When you register, you can add a profile for each of your guinea pigs along with a photo.

They also have a neat feature called Pig of the Week:

“Every week we will choose one Guinea Pig by looking at the Pigs added to user profiles and award the winner with “Pig of the week”. The winner will receive the “Purple Pig Rosette” on their user profile, to show off the fact that they have won! All you need to do is add your Guinea Pigs to your profile and you will automatically be entered into the draw each week!”


You can check out my personal profile right here. Feel free to send me a friend request. 🙂


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How to Say “Guinea Pig” in Different Languages

Via Parenting Our Kids

Wondering how to say “guinea pig” in different languages? Well, you can read on to find out! If you know how to say “guinea pig” in another language that’s not listed below, comment below and I can add it to the list. 🙂 Enjoy!

French -> Cochon d’Inde/Cobaye

Spanish ->Cobayo

German -> Meerschweinchen

Albanian -> Derr Indie kavie

Danish -> Marsvin

Dutch -> Guinees biggetje/Cavia

Finnish -> Marsu

Greek -> Indiko hiridio/ piramatozoo

Hungarian -> Tengeri malac

Indonesian -> Marmot

Italian -> Porcellino d’India/cavia

Japanese -> Tenjiku nezumi/marumotto

Kurd -> Miskal

Latin -> Cavia porcellus

Polish -> Swinka morska

Portuguese -> Porquinho da Índia/cobaia

Romanian -> Cobai

Russian -> Marskaya svinka

Spanish -> Conejillos de Indias

Swedish -> Marsvin

Turkish -> Kobay

I used this site as a reference.

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Best Shopping Sites For Guinea Pigs Revealed!

Here we compiled a great list of shopping sites that sell everything that your guinea pig needs. Be sure to check these out!

Via ThatCuteSite

Cavy Couture (UK) — fun fabric gifts for cavies and other small animals

The Guinea Pig Store – a Canadian store that features many assorted items for your guinea pigs!

Canadian Comforts – based in Alberta, this store offers high-quality guinea pig items at an affordable price.

Cavyshops — A Cafe Press store with a wide assortment.

Cassandra’s Cuddle-Wee Things – cuddly things for your littlest friends.

Montreal Critters — a Canadian shop for all pets cute and fluffy!

Piggy Bedspreads— washable fleece bedding and sheets for your C&C cage

Sweet Meadow Farm — Certified Organic Eastern Timothy and other hays, and feed

The Winking Cavy Store — the original UK online shop for guinea pigs.

Let Sleeping Pigs Lie – specially made for your guinea pig!

Guinea Pig Nation – guinea pig t-shirts in all different designs!

This Little Piggie Marketplace – pro-rescue shop created by and for guinea pig lovers.

The Cozy Cavy – a place where the pampered guinea pigs likes to shop. You can purchase quality, custom handmade beds sewn with love!

Guinea Pig Supply – a great selection of guinea pig supplies!

Spiffy Pigs (Etsy) – for the spiffy pig in your life!

CandECosies (Etsy) – handmade accessories for guinea pigs!

Squeakdreams (Etsy) – cute accessories designed with cavies in mind.

Piggiepopshop (Etsy) – handmade small pet furniture for guinea pigs and more!

Pigpigpigs Online Store – handmade small pet items for your pampered furries.

Creations Lise (Etsy) – specially designed pet accessories.

Fuzzigles (Etsy) – pint-sized furry stuffed animal friends.

Casamuig (Etsy) – cozy items for guinea pigs.

Peewees Piggy Palace (Etsy) – all items that are handmade with love.

Wheek Boutique (Etsy) – handmade comfy items for your guinea pigs! All proceeds benefit the Orange County Cavy Heaven

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Cavy Madness

cavymadness: guinea pig care and gifts

Cavy madness is a great website that has a guinea pig care guide along with a gift shop that features cavy cozies, calendars, books, bookmarks, notecards, bumper stickers, iPhone and iPhone cases, and much much more!

You can visit their gift shop here and their Society 6 store over here.


cavy madness - titania

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Toys For Guinea Pigs

American Guinea Pig, Picture of a Guinea Pig family


In order to keep your guinea pigs occupied and entertained, be sure to let them out in a designated area for daily floor time and lap time – they’ll love this more than anything! A few must-haves for guinea pigs are a few hideys, tunnels and maybe a fleece forest or ping pong ball, so read on for even more toy ideas. One of the most important things is having another guinea pig of the same sex. Guinea pig are herd animals so they like to be with another guinea pig.


Plushies, Mirrors, Tunnels & Hideouts

Guinea pig also enjoy plushies to lay on or to cuddle with but if they chew on the toy a lot the stuffing can be bad for them. Some guinea pigs also enjoy bird toys like mirrors. Tunnels are also good because guinea pig love to run through them. Hideouts are another very important thing to have for your guinea pig to hide in and rest in to ensure they feel safe. You can buy Pigloos (Superpet) or just make them one from a cardboard box.



Guinea pigs love having cuddle sacks or cozy cups to lay in. They are great because you can make your own for your guinea pigs, Check out our Cool DIY Guinea pig Projects page to learn how. Here are a few good places to buy cuddle sacks or cozy cups them as well; The Guinea pig market and Piggy bed spreads are two that I would recommend.  You can also get your guinea pigs chew toys if they love to chew but make sure that they are not brightly colored because they might have dyes in them which might be a potential hazard to your guinea pigs.

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How To Draw Guinea Pigs

just another banner

Today we’ll be posting about how to draw guinea pigs tutorials!

Something that I thought was pretty cool was this animation on Drawing Now that shows you step-by-step how to draw a realistic looking guinea pig shown below.

how to draw a guinea pig drawing now animation screenie

Another great tutorial is one from DragoArt, a popular site featuring free online drawing tutorials for kids and adults. They even have a free app you can download for Android and iOS.

how to draw a guinea pig for kids

how to draw a guinea pig for kids step 1

how to draw a guinea pig for kids step 2

how to draw a guinea pig for kids step 3

how to draw a guinea pig for kids step 4

guinea pig drawing

This drawing above is from the book, Drawing Realistic Pets from Photographs by Lee Hammond. It is a very helpful art instruction book that offers many examples of how to draw different pets and helpful hints and tips to make your drawings look more realistic.

Drawing Realistic Pets from Photographs by Lee Hammond

Here’s another creative idea – you can create guinea pigs just by using thumbprints as shown below. The site can be found here.

Via Fany001 on DeviantArt

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